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Welcome To Doxa

Becoming a professional footballer is a dream shared by many children across the globe, but very few ever see that ambition become a reality. Of the 1.5 million boys who play organized youth football in England, only around 180 make it to the top level playing in the Premier League. It's a similar story around the world and doxasports seeks to change the narrative as the app makes aspiring footballers dream a reality, by connecting local players with the right footballing opportunities, be it local or global, be it agents or clubs .

According to a fifa survey, 65 million youths play football globally, with 9.6 million in Africa and 4 million in Nigeria, doxa sports seeks to connect that community with a touch of a button under one platform.


“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” 

Tim Notke

Our Mission

For the football players to be in control, they need their own football identity. That's why we've built an app empowering football players to showcase their achievements and determine their success.

Our Mission

Our Vision

The fate of aspiring footballers shouldn't be determined solely by the gut feeling of managers and coaches.It takes passion, determination and courage to enter the football arena, but way too often great achievements go unnoticed.Based on this, we're changing the game of football by placing the power where it belongs: in the hands of the 265 million performers of the sport

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